Alexander @ Ngatea Primary School
My name is Alexander and I am a year 8. I am in room 8 and my favorite sport is soccer
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Two weeks ago we went to the collage rowing club on the urgs, if you do not know what they are they are rowing machines. We did that once and the next week we actually went out on the water in the boats, I was super worried about it at first but when I got in the boat for the first time I enjoyed it. It was a bit hard to keep in time and for some reason my oar kept coming out the water. The next time I did it, it was yesterday actually, it was so much easier to row. I really enjoyed it and was so so much fun to do. I did everything right and managed to keep in time for most of the time I was on the boat. The boat we were rowing on was a 8 seater, We all had to row in time and that was the hardest thing to do.
Year 8 Dinner
On Wednesday all of the year eights went to something called the year 8 dinner, it is a celebration where the year 8s go the week before the end of the term. We bring our parents and go see everyone else. When mum and I got there we were greeted by the head master before having a photo taken of us. After that we got led by a waiter to our table, I was sitting with Cayla , John, and Patrick's family as well as mine. We also had two really good speakers, A rower from the collage and of course the head master. They gave us a video of the questions we all answered . All in all it was a fun night that I will remember fondly.
Monday, 28 November 2016
My Quote
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
The Earth
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Thursday, 20 October 2016
My Reflection
This week I have been busy, I was not here on Thursday because family had come to visit from the U.K. Today we were given a task that the year 8s needed to complete for something called a year 8 booklet. It is a small book where information we answer questions for is out into a booklet that we read at the year 8 dinner. This will be the fifth blog post this week I have completed and published. Apparently I have gotten a lot better at soccer this year and had a very fun game at lunch time. This is the second week back at school which means only around 8 more weeks of school to go, it will also be my last term of primary school and I am going to the college next year. I have to admit the first 2 days of the weeks I was not really trying hard to get my work done, it was Wednesday when I really kicked into high gear and got bit of work done.
On Thursday I was not going to school so I got some more work done at home before our family got to our house.
My Instagram Message
I found the picture of the box of settlers of catan on google images.
This is a Instagram Message I made this week about learning in the making which was something we did last week.
Learning In The Making Reflection
Last friday it was learning in the making, it is a day where we do really fun activities, I really enjoyed playing a game called Settlers of Catan where you gather resources like, wood, brick, wheat, sheep, and stone. You can build settlements and even cities.
I also learnt how to make spaghetti dogs or something like that whee you get raw sausage, cut it into chunks and thread uncooked pasta through it, then you boil it and wait for the spaghetti to cook. You then take it out and serve with cheese or a sauce of your choice. It is good:)
I also did this thing called crochet which is kind of like knitting but you use on hook to make a patch of wool in a pattern. It was a little hard getting used to but once I had it was very fun and easy to do. By the time I it had finished a only had a small patch of red wool but I was still proud of myself.
I think you should definitely do settlers of catan again and maybe more badminton workshops. I missed out of that one. I really wanted to do it as well, oh well another time. I am not sure of what other workshops you could do for the next conference but I am sure the teachers and parents/people from outside the school will think of something fun and entertaining.
I do not think there was a quote of the day and if there was I do not remember it. I do remember a man called Mark Osborn telling us that we are the only school in NZ that does this and we should be very grateful.
The best part of the day for me was when I tied with three other people in Settlers of Catan, there were four of us playing it and only one person did not get four points, It was quite funny seeing his reaction when he found out.
In the end Learning In The Making 2016 was a very fun day and I enjoyed it.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Miniature Gardens
On Wednesday it was Calf Club, If you did not bring an animal we were told to bring equipment
from home to use to make our own Miniature Garden. We had the option to do it in a pair or by yourself, I did it with my friend and we made a mine with a parking lot. We got toy cars that my friend still had from when he was little and I brought in some fake gems, ice block sticks, small ice block sticks and these sticks that we used for supports. The other classes came and looked at all of our miniature gardens and they liked ours. Especially when we told them that we had put a lego man under the bridge and said he was a hobo and had not released he was living in a gem mine.
There were some really cool miniature gardens that other people had made, another theme was Alice in Wonderland.
from home to use to make our own Miniature Garden. We had the option to do it in a pair or by yourself, I did it with my friend and we made a mine with a parking lot. We got toy cars that my friend still had from when he was little and I brought in some fake gems, ice block sticks, small ice block sticks and these sticks that we used for supports. The other classes came and looked at all of our miniature gardens and they liked ours. Especially when we told them that we had put a lego man under the bridge and said he was a hobo and had not released he was living in a gem mine.
There were some really cool miniature gardens that other people had made, another theme was Alice in Wonderland.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Quick Write
I spent a lot of time with my dad, I was at his house almost all of the holidays and when we went down to Napier, He also got me a puppy at the beginning of the holidays. This is Cartoon version(he looks a little diffearnt in real life) I had a great time with him in the school holidays.
Quick Write
I spent a lot of time with my dad, I was at his house almost all of the holidays and when we went down to Napier, He also got me a puppy at the beginning of the holidays. This is Cartoon version, kind of.
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Language Features
For the past four weeks we have been working on a task called Language Features, what we had to do was find a published example of the language features. One example for each language feature, then we had to name where we got it from or if it was a song the person who sung the song and the name of the song. After that we had to come up with our own example for each one, for the simile mine was The ant picked up the the chunk of bread like he was a giant picking up a house. And so on, i have to admit, I did not work on it that much until the last two weeks. We did one last year as well but his year it is a lot simpler. last year all of the songs had to be done by a New Zealand artist.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Goal Reflection
This week our goal was to never give up ans show resilience, it was also to have self control even when you really want to do something. We watched really cool video about a track runner at the Olympics who was probably going to get in the top three people, halfway through the race he tore his hamstring. He did not want to give up so he got up and started walking towards the finish line. A man broke through security and came to the side of the competitor, it was his dad. He helped get to the finish line and let him finish the race.
I think I have shown resilience, we had a maths PAT today and there were some difficult questions I got stuck on. I worked through and finished the test.
I think I have shown resilience, we had a maths PAT today and there were some difficult questions I got stuck on. I worked through and finished the test.
If I Could Be Any Animal
If I could be any animal I would be a tiger , a normal tiger. I just think they look really cool and being able to jump that high would be quite fun. Also being able to run that fast. I would have to be able to morph back into a human though, I would not want to have to hunt for my food I could go home or by it from the shops.
I found this photo here
I found this photo here
What I have been working on
I have been working on a story called Elementests Here it is. I will keep working on it and posting it.
New Beginnings
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I hated waking up to that sound, it drove me mad. Normally I would just turn it off but I have had enough. I grabbed one of my medals and used it as a hammer to smash the alarm clock. I felt much better now that the alarm had turned off and walked down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. My older sister was already there eating her’s,”morning Kelly” I said in a cheerful voice.”Why are you so happy today is the first day back at school?” Ya but it is also the last week of school before the summer holidays”. But unlike you I have to do tests this week so I can get into my job!”15/08/2016 She did not seem very sad she just seemed frustrated that I got a holiday and she didn’t.
She was right though, she was trying to get into this university or something and there were these massive tests or something, I did not pay attention when she was explaining it to me. I was reading a formula one car magazine so the only thing I really got out of what she was telling me that she had to lost 10 kgs to qualify for whatever job she was going to do at the university. The tests also took 75 days so It must be a physical job of some sort. Halfway through mum walked in, she worked as a inspector and had to leave for early. She grabbed toast out of the oven kissed us goodbye, I could tell something was wrong; I could see it in her eyes. She left and Kerry and I looked at each other, we had that brother sister connect that some siblings had.
I looked at the time and saw we were almost late! I ran into my room and threw my school stuff into my bag, I checked I had everything and ran out the door, my sister was already waiting for me at the end of the driveway. I ran to her and we ran together down our road to get to the school, we were just outside the school gates when a white van pulled up beside us, we did not hear it because we were panting so hard, (we were both fit but it was a half hour walk and we were sprinting with heavy bags.) The van pulled up along side us and some jumped out and grabbed my sister, I did not have anytime to react before someone grabbed me and jabbed a needle into my neck.16/08/2016, I woke up in a room full of people in suits.
They saw I was awake and stopped talking to each other. They looked at me and I realized they were all teenagers. They asked me what my name was and I said” Magnus chase and where is my sister?!””She has already started basic training””what's that?””it’s a test to see if you are good enough to be a elemental agent””what's that?”” we can only tell you what you would do if you agreed to be a agent”.23/08/2016” Does my mom know about this”? Magnus; she has known since the day you were born you were going to be a Elements”.”How? I asked.”Because she was one”! “What why did she not tell me?”she was sworn to secrecy when she chose to leave”. But enough of that”do you want to be one or not”? Yes”! “Good let's go”. They pulled off their sunglasses and suits revealing normal cloths with different symbols on them. The person that did the talking had a blue shirt with waves on it. The others had: A red shirt with flames covering it, and the other person had a brown shirt with an earthquake all over it.
The man with the waves on his shirt took me to a golf cart and drove around the campus: He showed me the olympic size swimming pool, the paintball course, the biking track, the running course,the basic training facility where I caught a glimpse of my sister making a vine grow and attacking a training dummy with it.”” Wait if my sister has powers and you do does that mean I do to”?”Yes we but we do not know what yours are, or if you have more than one”. Oh can we find out”?Yes but first we need to get you out of those clothes and ready for your test”.29/08/2016 “Test” wait how long does this go for”? Well your sister is on day three. “You learn what your power is on day one, you learn about what you will be able to do from another agent with the same powers on day two but that goes on until you have finished basic training”. On day three you learn the basic attack and defensive things you can do with your power and it goes on for 75 days.
2 hours later
The tour had finally finished and they showed me my room where I would be staying for my time here and after if I needed to. They gave me a white shirt and shorts and sent me to a room in the basic training facility. I walked along the corridor until I got to a room that said lab. I knocked and walked in and standing there was a woman leaning over a table. I said “excuse me is this where I find out what powers I have”? The lady turned around and said “yes please go and sit on that chair”. I looked where she was pointing and saw a dentist chair with tubes leading from the arm rest. I got into the chair and put my arms down on the arm rests. I quickly jerked them back. There were tiny holes halfway up my arm. The lady said” please put both your arms on the arm rests”. I did and did not jerk my arm off and kept it there. The lady pressed a few buttons, Needles poked into my arm and took some blood.
The lady looked over a screen and said”I think it malfunctioned please put your arm back on”. A few minutes later I was walking back to my room. I was holding a piece of paper that had four symbols on it. A fire, A wave,A tornado, and a mountain. I did not think over this much but only guessed I had four elements I could create and control, I walked back into my room and crashed on my bed. I fell asleep and dreamed that my sister and I were in a room full of other people. A gunshot went off and the dreamed ended, I woke up the next morning to find that all my sister standing over me with another girl looking around my room. My arm was tingling so I looked at it. Where the needles had been there was now no trace of it. I finally looked up at my sister who said something strange” morning Magnus take of your shirt”! I looked up at her like she was crazy but did it anyway. She rolled me over and gasped, 30/08/2016 “what?”well Magnus you know how everybody here has at least one element they can create and control””yes””well is is rare for people to have two elements, it is very very very rare for people to have three, and nobody has had four in centuries””Oh and I need to ask a question, who is that?” thats our cousin, she lives across the hall and I live in the next room over”.
“Why is she looking all over my room”? “Because the more elements you have the bigger your room is. I doubt you have looked around your room but there is a fireproof room down your hallway for you to practice using your fire, there is a room with a deep pool in it with a platform in it to practice using water, a bigger room filled with dirt, rock, grass, trees and animals for you to practice using your ability to control bits of earth, and one big room with impenetrable walls for you to practice with control the wind”.
“Three more questions, how did you know what elements I had from checking my back”?”I will show you, She led me to my bathroom and put be in front of the mirror, she then angled another mirror so it showed me my back in the big mirror. There were four medium size tattoos with the same symbols as the piece of paper I was given yesterday.”Second question,what is your room like”? It is the same as yours but it is a different paint color and I only have two rooms, one for plants and one for metals”. One more question’, what do your tattoos look like”? She showed me the underside of her arm and there were to symbols. One showing a vine and one showing a piece of what looked like gold. Our tattoos were black so I was a little hard to tell what they were.5/09/2016
After my sister had left there was a loud beep that came from my bed side table, I got up and touched the bedside table. A voice came from somewhere in my room that said” dear Magnus please place your hand on the table so it can scan your dna to make sure it is you”. I did what the voice said and 3 seconds later on the other side of the bedside table a platform started rising up, it was like a tablet but it did not have a screen. It spat out a piece of paper and said please report to the training building and we will meet you there, I guessed from what the man told me the day before that I was going to meet someone another person there that also had four elements they could control to tell me what I could do and how to train in my room.
There was a small piece of writing at the bottom that I hadn't noticed before, it said, please look in your wardrobe and you will find a shirt and shorts there for you. I got up and walked to my wardrobe. There was a shirt split into four quarters, one was a huge fire, one was a mountain, one was a tsunami, and the last one was tornado. I pulled the shirt over my head and grabbed the shorts. They had the same tattoos on them as the tattoos on my back. I did not know what I needed so I left with nothing. As I walked out my room and shut the door a saw a black back sitting next to my door with a name tag on it. I ripped the paper name tag of and lifted it up, I was swinging it onto my back when with the corner of my eye I saw my bag go from black to the same designs as my shirt. I walked out of my hallway and went down the elevator to the ground floor. A group of people talking stopped when someone in their group noticed me and pointed. They looked at me as I was walking past them.
I did not look back but kept on walking and soon was out of the housing block and on the concrete path going through the park. Again everybody stopped and looked at me, I thought they were just looking at me because I was a new person at the academy until somebody called out.6/09/2016” So the rumors were true, we do have a master of the four elements here, well let me tell you that just because you can control the four main elements does not mean that we will do everything you say just because you can control the main four elements.Ï called back”I did not think you would and isn’t there more people like me here””he did not seem to hear me and if he did I don’t think he cared.” And don’t think just because you are the head of the son of the head of the academy does not mean you get any special perks, and by the way I just want to tell you that you will never go on a mission or get friends here because if(at this point he took off his bag and started walking towards me stretching his arms, he was probably the bully and going to try and hurt me) anyone dares to try and help you in anyway, I will hold them up in the air for 2 days and then drop them from the top floor of the housing block.
I stopped walking, I have had bad experiences with bullying before but threatening to kill somebody that was just over the top, I dropped my bag and turned to face him, I was very very very angry. Normally I could control it but he was threatening to kill somebody and even if he did not follow it through I still was not happy. I turned towards him and he said”finally going to fight me aren’t you, well let me tell you I have been studying air for years so you have no hope of beating me.”I don’t need to win I just have to try, I felt a wall crumble down in my mind, suddenly knowledge rushed into my brain on how to control the elements. I threw up my arms and a wall of rock appeared in front of me, I spun in the air and thrusted out my palm. The wall came of the ground and rushed towards him, it him him and sent him flying. Everybody started at me in shock. I was a bit shocked as well, a few of his friends stepped forward and one said”nobody beats us”, a sea of vines rushing towards me, I threw up another wall but the vines went right over it. I kept throwing up walls but they kept climbing over them, eventually the vines reached me and tied pushed me to the ground, they tied around me and kept me on the ground.12.09/2016
They walked up to me and started saying”not so tough now are you, you will always lose to us because we are better than you at everything that you would even attempt, we heard you were good and swimming well we are better. I bet your parents would not be proud of you they would probably be ashamed of you, we will make sure you and your sister have a horrible time here. At the mention of my sister there was a wave of rage that came over me,(my sister always protected me from the bullies so whenever somebody even mentioned doing something remotely bad to her I got angry) my whole body lit up in flames and sudennely like before I knew how to to control it, I burnt the vines and rose up so I was standing”.”Nobody threatens my sister, I moved my arms like I was throwing a tennis ball, a ball of fire went hurtling towards the person that had made the vines go after me. A wall of water rose in front of him and stopped the fire
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Money Week
I would say I am a saver, I can leave my money alone so I am not tempted to buy anything while I save up for whatever I want to get. If I won 1 Million Dollars I would put 700,000 dollars in the bank and give my mum and dad 145,000 each and then take the remaining 10,000 dollars and get a gaming computer and a good laptop for work. I would leave the 700,000 dollars in the bank until I am old enough to get a house and a car. By then my 700,000 dollars would have grown in my account with interest. I would buy a decent size house and a car. What ever is left over I would use it to go to university and become a trained actor, hopefully get into a movie that becomes famous, and from that get into more movies and earn a decent amount for when I retire.
If i found 50 dollars I would see if I could find the owner, if not I would take it home and wait till I wanted something form the shops. My money role model Betty White, if you look up her name you will see that she has done a lot more things than just acting.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Tic Tac Toe
This week I did Tic-Tac-Toe and we did it on a man falling down the toilet. You can find the article on KiwiKidsNews. this is my own writing.
What I learned.
I have learnt that if something similar happens get the proper people to do it, or the people most equipped to do it.If there is people to do it for you in this particular situation . Also they should have doors leading out the bottom with a dug away part to access the doors, at the bottom so you do not have to destroy the toilet to clean it or get a person or something out. I think that is a little bit silly that he thought he could get the phone in a amongst the contents of the toilet.Myself I would not be able to stand the stench of the toilet especially being right in the toilets storage for the people’s waste.
They are important because they were the people that rescued the man.
It is important to the story because that is where the man spent an hour
His friend dropped his phone in the toilet and he thought it would be a good idea to try and get it by himself.
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