Thursday, 20 October 2016

My Reflection

This week I have been busy, I was not here on Thursday because family had come to visit from the U.K. Today we were given a task that the year 8s needed to complete for something called a year 8 booklet. It is a small book where information we answer questions for is out into a booklet that we read at the year 8 dinner. This will be the fifth blog post this week I have completed and published. Apparently I have gotten a lot better at soccer this year and had a very fun game at lunch time. This is the second week back at school which means only around 8 more weeks of school to go, it will also be my last term of primary school and I am going to the college next year. I have to admit the first 2 days of the weeks I was not really trying hard to get my work done, it was Wednesday when I really kicked into high gear and got bit of work done.

On Thursday I was not going to school so I got some more work done at home before our family got to our house. 

My Instagram Message

I found the picture of the box of settlers of catan on google images.
This is a Instagram Message I made this week about learning in the making which was something we did last week.

Learning In The Making Reflection

Last friday it was learning in the making, it is a day where we do really fun activities, I really enjoyed playing  a game called Settlers of Catan where you gather resources like, wood, brick, wheat, sheep, and stone. You can build settlements and even cities.
I also learnt how to make spaghetti dogs or something like that whee you get raw sausage, cut it into chunks and thread uncooked pasta through it, then you boil it and wait for the spaghetti to cook. You then take it out and serve with cheese or a sauce of your choice. It is good:)
I also did this thing called crochet which is kind of like knitting but you use on hook to make a patch of wool in a pattern. It was a little hard getting used to but once I had it was very fun and easy to do. By the time I it had finished a only had a small patch of red wool but I was still proud of myself.
I think you should definitely do settlers of catan again and maybe more badminton workshops. I missed out of that one. I really wanted to do it as well, oh well another time. I am not sure of what other workshops you could do for the next conference but I am sure the teachers and parents/people from outside the school will think of something fun and entertaining.
I do not think there was a quote of the day and if there was  I do not remember it. I do remember a man called Mark Osborn telling us that we are the only school in NZ that does this and we should be very grateful.

The best part of the day for me was when I tied with three other people in Settlers of Catan, there were four of us playing it and only one person did not get four points, It was quite funny seeing his reaction when he found out.

In the end Learning In The Making 2016 was a very fun day and I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Miniature Gardens

On Wednesday it was Calf Club, If you did not bring an animal we were told to bring equipment
from home to use to make our own Miniature Garden. We had the option to do it in a pair or by yourself, I did it with my friend and we made a mine with a parking lot. We got toy cars that my friend still had from when he was little and I brought in some fake gems, ice block sticks, small ice block sticks and these sticks that we used for supports. The other classes came and looked at all of our miniature gardens and they liked ours. Especially when we told them that we had put a lego man under the bridge and said he was a hobo and had not released he was living in a gem mine.

There were some really cool miniature gardens that other people had made, another theme was Alice in Wonderland.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Quick Write

I spent a lot of time with my dad, I was at his house almost all of the holidays and when we went down to Napier, He also got me a puppy at the beginning of the holidays. This is Cartoon version(he looks a little diffearnt in real life) I had a great time with him in the school holidays.

Quick Write

I spent a lot of time with my dad, I was at his house almost all of the holidays and when we went down to Napier, He also got me a puppy at the beginning of the holidays. This is Cartoon version, kind of.