But there are a lot more threats these include.
Sand and gravel extraction changes water levels, damages existing vegetation and provides access for weeds. Reclamation of lake and river margins, lagoons and estuaries, and draining of farm swamps, reduces wetland areas. Wetlands are polluted by excess run-off of sediment and nutrients from farmlands. Plant and animal pest invasion. Stock grazing in wetlands and surrounding catchments damages vegetation, decreases soil stability and contributes to pollution. Careless recreation practices, including misuse of jet-skiing, hunting, kayaking, power boating and whitebaiting, disturbs plant and animal life and may destroy parts of the physical wetland environment. Forest harvesting close to wetlands may damage wetland vegetation and cause erosion. Loss of vegetation in surrounding catchments allow excess sediment to run directly into wetlands. Pine forests draw water away from ground water systems leaving depleted supplies, and poorly managed farming practices cause sediment and/or fertiliser run-off. Wetlands drained for urban or rural development.
As You can see there are a lot of threats to wetlands and we need them to support wildlife that live there, the world would be a lot different if we did not have them we would lose a lot of animals and all the birds would flock to the farms and eat all of the crops and seed.
I Found This Info At Department Of Conservation.
I Found This Info At Department Of Conservation.
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