Tuesday, 22 September 2015

My trip to a Wetland

My trip to Wetland
A few weeks ago we went to Whangamarino wetland to find out more about the wetland, what DOC does to preserve it and what animals live in it. In the morning we set off to the Whangamarino wetland to meet Chris and June. They had come down from Hamilton just to talk to us about wetlands and what live in them. So first he showed us some of the traps they use to trap Cats, Stoats, Weasels, and Ferrets. Then we went on a walk through a very wet wetland I mean it was flooded. You could not see some of the fence posts that were used to stop people from going into the wetland and getting lost I assume.

You may not know but eels are becoming extinct because people are finding ig eels and killing them and sometimes not even eating them. The big eels are all females and have not have not mated yet. When eels mate they do not mate in their rivers or creeks they travel to a secret spot around tongo that no one has discovered yet. We also found out that when you dump  unwanted kittens on the side of the road or in a wetland they can cause serious trouble to our native birds that live in our wetlands.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Tanki Online

Tanki Online is a 3d Adobe Flash game where you are a tank. You start at recruit and work your way up the ranks until you hit generalissimo which is hard to do and will take while. You can get different guns,  hulls, and paints that you unlock when you rank up. I play it and I am a Warrant Officer 3 at the moment. It is a online game that you play with other people around the globe.

Image result for tanki online gameplay 2015There are test servers that is on another site that the game  turns on to let people test things that they are about to relies into the game. On the test server you get 1 000 000 crystals is a lot of game money. Crystals/Cry for short.

In this photo a shaft(that is the sniper in the game) is aiming at a Titan M1 and a Twins M3.

When you start Tanki it is hard to stop, you can do pakour, team, or go in a battle all against everybody which I find very annoying because I need people to heal or defend I am not a person who likes to be by myself.

I hope you will find the game fun!

Here the links to the test server
Here is the link to the game

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Weekly News

Billionaire Plans Refugee Island

A billionaire in Egypt is planning to buy an entire island for refugees to take some of the the pressure of the countries that have decided to take in a lot of refugees into their countries

Wait a minute this is saying that a billionaire from Egypt is planning to buy a whole island just for refugees..THAT..IS..AMAZING.. If I was a billionaire I would want to help but a whole island for them, that is very very AWESOME and VERY generous and it is an amazing idea. I hope the refugees are happy with their new island if the payment goes through.

How much will the island cost?

How many refuges will it accommodate?

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Weekly News

Add colour to your rubbish!

Colourful rubbish bins WHAT? I mean that is............ AMAZING why would you want any other rubbish bin when this in town, AMAZING.

I think that it is a good idea, you don't have to look at a dirty rubbish in you can look at a nice looking rubbish bin. I would love to have on I would have......... COOKIE MONSTER as my rubbish bin. It would have sound affects like yum yum when you put something in it. It would also say FEED ME when you opened the lid.

How long does it take to paint them?

Do you get people in paint them for you or not?

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Weekly News

Jobs You Will Not Believe

So I was loom for something to write about when I saw this, these jobs are crazy and I would love to be a few of them. I would love to be a Video Game Tester Testers  or a Professional Sleeper

I think these jobs are crazy and fun, I mean a job where you get hired to sleep in it. It is very very fun I imagine.

1. Food Taste Tester Professional taste testers give their opinion on everything from chocolate and toothpaste to even pet food. The tester gives the opinion on food appearance, texture, aroma, flavour and after-taste.

2. Professional Sleeper This truly is a dream job! The sleeper is hired to experience sleeping in different circumstances. For example, a hotel in Finland hired a professional sleeper to sleep in 35 different rooms and then write about the experience.

3. Video Game Tester Testers are hired to play unfinished versions of video games to find any glitches and report them to the game developers to be fixed before being sold. Getting paid to play video games all day? Sounds pretty fun!

4. Fragrance Chemist Fragrance chemists are scientists who study smells and scents. They develop and test different scents for men’s and women’s perfume, soap, lotions and other products.

5. Nail Polish Namer Ever wondered where the unusual names for nail polish colours come from? Well there is a job for that! A nail polish namer is hired to come up in new and unique names for the new colours of nail polish released by their company.