Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Weekly News

Jobs You Will Not Believe

So I was loom for something to write about when I saw this, these jobs are crazy and I would love to be a few of them. I would love to be a Video Game Tester Testers  or a Professional Sleeper

I think these jobs are crazy and fun, I mean a job where you get hired to sleep in it. It is very very fun I imagine.

1. Food Taste Tester Professional taste testers give their opinion on everything from chocolate and toothpaste to even pet food. The tester gives the opinion on food appearance, texture, aroma, flavour and after-taste.

2. Professional Sleeper This truly is a dream job! The sleeper is hired to experience sleeping in different circumstances. For example, a hotel in Finland hired a professional sleeper to sleep in 35 different rooms and then write about the experience.

3. Video Game Tester Testers are hired to play unfinished versions of video games to find any glitches and report them to the game developers to be fixed before being sold. Getting paid to play video games all day? Sounds pretty fun!

4. Fragrance Chemist Fragrance chemists are scientists who study smells and scents. They develop and test different scents for men’s and women’s perfume, soap, lotions and other products.

5. Nail Polish Namer Ever wondered where the unusual names for nail polish colours come from? Well there is a job for that! A nail polish namer is hired to come up in new and unique names for the new colours of nail polish released by their company.

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