Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Multiple Intellengiences

So I can learn in almost every environment, by myself or with other people. I like working with people but I can also work in a space where no one is talking or without anyone in the same room. My four best strengths are Interpersonal, Logical, Musical, and Naturalistic Smart. I can work in an environment with people or without and u can learn by watching nature move and transform. I think it just means that I can work on most things anywhere. I think the smarts test says that I could work on my word smart even more that I am now. I think that reading a lot will help and I am doing that already. I think it will not have a massive impact on my learning but I can work in a group better than I did last year. I can also work in a space by myself better than last year. The test results are better than last year and I do not really know why.

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