Tuesday, 24 May 2016


My Friend and I have been writing a story set in WW II. We have been caught by the Japanese who want genetically modified soldiers to attack pearl harbor. We have not finished So this is the first chapter in my point of view and a little in his.

Pearl Harbor


The 3rd of December, 1941. That was when the rest of our lives began. We were being experimented on by the Japanese who wanted genetically engineered soldiers to attack the Americans. My friend Alex was being made into a water soldier. His DNA was blasted with exponentially large amounts of radiation to fuse with shark DNA.

On the other hand. I was being slowly electrocuted and exposed to dark matter. The resulting effect was me being able to move at superhuman speeds. I could also think, see and react quickly.
This is our story.

Chapter 1

They had told us that we were going to be genetically modified to have superhuman abilities but we would not know what until we went through their tests that they had made for us. We guessed that they would test in different places to learn what we did best. The day they came we were scared. We did not know if we were going make it through the tests or what would happen to us after. We were talking about what we would do if we got separated or one of us did not make it through the test when the guards came through the doors and pushed us towards the door. As we walked out we saw all the other people coming out some with struggle and some with none. We were in a group of strangers and we were lucky enough to know each other before hand do it was easier to go through the whole event for us than the other people.

We got guided through a maze of passageways and doors until we stopped and got split into groups. We got split up and I got sent off to a room that had japanese  writing on to the top and did not know what we were going to do until I saw inside. It was a room with a massive pool in it. It looked like a piece of sea that had been cut removed from the ocean and placed inside. Equipped with sharks, fish, squid, octopus, turtle. Someone that spoke english walked forward and told us if we did not jump in we would be shot. We all dived in and started treading water at the surface. They lowered a cage and told us if we wanted to be let out we had to survive in the water for 1 hours without getting eaten. We had a little bit of breathing space that we had to keep coming back to to breath.

They said start and a few of us dived under straight away to look for somewhere to hide close to the surface. I had just found a small cave to hide in when the octopus noticed something and attacked the few people sitting at the surface doing nothing. They dragged them under with the suction cups on their tentacles that also cut them and attracted the sharks that caused a war between the octopus and the squid. I realised that I needed to breath and tried to get a breath but I was running out of energy and air and started floating down. My vision was getting blurry and I thought I was going to drown.

I felt something soft under me and soon I was going towards the surface. I breached the surface and took a huge breath. I lay on my back for a couple of seconds before looking under me and saw it was a Great White Shark! I screamed and the people heard me and looked over. One of the guards aimed his gun at the water and they lifted myself and the shark out of the water with a crane. They dropped me on the floor and the shark into a tank of water. I picked myself up and went and said thank you to the shark even though I knew it could not understand me.

I wonder how Aidan is doing.

Chapter 2

They took my group down a long corridor and into a room. It looked like an African savannah. The only exception was that it had a large, looping racetrack.

Monday, 23 May 2016

3d Cat Armour

Have you ever worried what happens to your cat at night. Well this will secure your cats safety from other cats and even birds. This is ARMOUR FOR CATS! It has spikes and it even has a scorpion tail at the end of it. It will have even have a helmet later. Full battle gear!

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Cat With A Lego Wheel Chair

This is so CUTE! I found this and it is so good. An Abandoned kitten fond in a Mac And Cheese box. It's back legs are paralyzed and it gets a wheel chair made out of lego. There is not much to say but watch this Vid

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Goal Reflection

Image result for tick
Goal: To Be  Organised  and make the right choices for my learning.

I was not here on Monday but I have been trying to get work done and drink more water than I normally do. I was not not here on Monday  so I did not set goals but. The reason I was not here on Monday was because I had not got enough sleep after a four hour drive, I was extremely tired and pale in the morning. I have been trying to get more sleep through the week so I am more switched on in the day. I have been getting my bag ready earlier so I am not rushing around to get my bag packed.

Current Events

Why Do Cats Do That

Do you ever wonder why cats scratch the furniture or try to climb you to get food from the cupboard. Well here are some of the things that they do. There is not much to say but cats are absolutely AWESOME and we have 2 that wake us up in the morning for food. Cats are adorable!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Learner Agency

Learner Agency - What does this mean. Learner Agency means that you have the power to move away from friends to get work done and it means you can make your own plan for the week.
How do you show learner agency? You show learner agency by doing your I.E and and making your Mi plan every Monday. You show it by going to sit by yourself to get work done.
How do you have the power to act and are and effective learner? You have the power to move away from friends and get work done by yourself.
Write about the evidence that you have that you are an 'agentic' learner? I have moved away from friends so I could concentrate and moved in the quiet zone to get work done without distractions. I have never been late for a meeting this year

Goal Reflection

Our goal this week was the same as last week which was. Sit in the right learning spaces for the right learning. This week I have found whiteboard a table to sit at while I finished my I.E summarizing and started my creation plan. I have chosen the type of saddle I want to make and will get help from my dad this weekend. While walking around the classroom in a meeting I saw that when people saw Mrs Hull coming they started working and stopped when we left or looked at there book when we walked past and then start talking after. 

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day I got my Mum a cook book by Tim Reeds. She thought it was really nice because she was telling me about how she wanted to cook different foods and she said it shows I was actually listening to her when she was telling me. On Mother's Day I made my Mum breakfast, Which was eggs, sun dried tomato, and toast. We spent the day doing what she wanted to do which was watching movies.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Current Events

Did you know there is an 11 year old lemonade maker which is no that uncommon but the thing is that she has landed a multi million dollar contract with whole foods . The young enterprise  uses  flax seed, mint, honey recipe she inherited from her grandmother. The young 11 year old found fame when she secured a 60,000 investment in ABC Shark Tank.Image result for 11 year old lemonade maker

I think it is very cool and she must have worked hard to get that famous.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Hunger Games Prediction

 The Hunger Games

This Term my group are reading a book called the hunger games and we might read the rest of the series after. 

I predict Katniss sister will be chosen for the hunger games. She will volunteer for her sisters place  to spare her from death but also sealing hers.  I think she will be made to kill other people for the Peoples entertainment on live T.V.  I think that she will make it in the end because survival is her second nature.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Learner Agency

What Do I Do Well? I Always tidy up my area.
This Effects Others: when I leave that area other people do not come to find it in a mess that they have to work in.

What Do I Need To Do Better? I need to get better at moving away from friends that would distract me when I am trying to learn, Or they move to me and start mucking around and keep me from learning.
This Effects Others: We might start making noise and disturbing others who are trying to learn.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Goal Reflection

This week I have been trying to sit away from friends so I can get work done.
I have finished almost all my work for the week because of that. The goal this week was Make the right choices for my own learning.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


Today a group of teenagers from the collage came and did a music performance for us. They used a collection of instruments including the flute, trombone, drum, base guitar, trumpets,saxophone, clarinet, and together they sounded very nice. They preformed a couple of songs without the singing including the song freaks, the song from minions, and one from the incredible's and about three form let It Go and they also did pink panther.

Current Events

What can you buy for a dollar in your country. This video shows you some ridiculous prices for things that would normally cost about 10 to 40 dollars. But it is an American dollar not there normal currency and it has not been changed over to the currency.

I think it is pretty  cool because you could go to these country's with 300 American dollars and get heaps of things ans still have money to get other stuff. Ha