Sunday 18 October 2015

My End Of Year Planning

End Of Year Planning
My goals this year is to finish my A.W.S book which I think is possible if I try my hardest and do two pages a week towards the end of the year . I also want to lead a workshop that people will remember for awhile so we have decided to do an invisible ink workshop, we are going to tell them what they first used for the ink and the history of it.
I have done one milestone but I have nearly finished two I just have to do a little bit more on both of them. The two I am nearly finished are Languages and Participation. I am learning Spanish and I have nearly learnt what I need to learn and I have nearly finished my Google drawing on what I have participated in this year. I have put what I need to complete in my reading, maths, and writing and the workshops I need to book into. Here is the link to the Doc