Thursday 18 February 2016

Marama Way 2016

The Marama way is our expectations this year and what we are supposed to try and do and complete. We are expected to always complete our work on time every week and always tell the truth help out when we can. We need to bring out togs everyday in swimming season even if it is raining. We will only not go swimming it it is thunder and lightning. We have these expectations so we always strive to be our best and finish out work before the school week ends and we have to do it the next week and you end up worrying about not finishing the work for the work for this week. So in the end all the exceptions we have are to help us so we do not have to worry We go swimming even if it raining because they are preparing us for swimming sports. I fit into Marama way because I always tell the truth.  Most of the time I think about other people and what might affect them. I always try my best and never give up. My role is  in Marama is to just try my best and never give up. We have leadership roles. Last year I was in the sports ream and I organised games for younger children or people in my class. I hope to be put into some other teams so i can do different roles for the school. I do not play a big part in Marama but we all do, we are all trusted to do our work when we get told to and not muck around on our devises and we are all Trusted to finish our work on time.

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