Sunday, 30 August 2015

Black Mud Fish

Black mudfish. Photo: © Rod Morris,
Black Mud Fish Black Mud Fish can be found in the Waikato and and around Auckland and Northland. They are unique to New Zealand and are found nowhere else in the world. Once widespread they have disappeared from many areas in the lower Waikato mainly because loss of habitat. Black Mud Fish have very unusual adaptations for the wetland and lakes/rivers which they live in. For a start they can survive out of water for several months when there habitats dry up, as long as they keep moist by digging under tree roots or into mud or damp leaf litter rings.

During this time Black Mud fish slowey lowey they metabolismes. Slowey reducing the amount of energy they need to live. Kind of like hibernating but without going to sleep. but when water comes back they immediately wriggle to life. Their skin is coated in tear-like mucus, which helps keep them moist out of water and also protects the fish against infection, and they absorb oxygen through their skin. Even though Black Mud Fish have made these changes to the way they live, Black Mud Fish have very very specific requirements for their habitat so that means they can not live in any stream/river/or lake. How Can You Help Fence stock out of waterways.

Plant harakeke/flax and native sedges like carex and toe toe (not pampas) along stream banks and drains. Vegetation rooted in shallow water in and around farm drains helps provide black mud fish with shelter and food and reduces the water temperature, retaining moisture which is essential for mud fish survival. Clear farms drains less frequently, retaining vegetation to provide habitat and shade. Use a digger-arm to protect drain-side vegetation. Protect wetlands on your property. 

As well as being mud fish habitat, wetlands filter farm run-off and help keep the streams clean. Create a farm management plan that includes nutrient budgeting, effluent disposal and sustainable peat land management. You can get help with creating farm management plans from the Waikato Regional Council, Dairy NZ and NZ Land care Trust Read NZ Land care Trust's fish factsheet I found this info at DOC.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Weekly News

William's Windmill

So get this, a teenage boy in Malawi lived through severe droughts in 2002 that killed thousands of people and almost caused his family to starve. But during the drought he continued to read books. While he was reading he found a text book about windmills and discovered he could use a windmill to get power which meant running water and lighting. He spent a lot of his nights and days going through rubbish and building the windmill. When he finally made it his neighbours were amazed how it could power light and running water.

I think that William was very brave building it even though his neighbours called him crazy.

I found this info on Kiwi Kids News      

How long did it take to build the windmill?

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Pros And Cons Of Duck Shooting

I myself  do not like duck shooting only because I do not like shooting living animals for fun but if it was for survival it would be fine. there are pros and cons of duck shooting and I will be explaining them in this blog post.

The Pros:
Those who advocate hunting believe that it helps to keep populations of animals in check.This is kept in check by hunting. It is a source of food as it provides meat to many families. Until as early as the 1920s, a majority of Europe and America depended on the meat of the animals they raised or hunted, for food. Another advantage is that it develops a person's survival skills. If a person gets stranded in the wild, a knowledge of how and which animal to hunt, and also how to survive in wilderness proves to be helpful. Today, an economical provision is made by various hunters and sportsmen by donating millions of dollars to improve wildlife and the environment of sanctuaries. In countries where hunting is legal, they make sure that the endangered species are not harmed.

The Cons:
One drawback of hunting is that it is used as a sport or hobby, particularly trophy hunting. Here, animals are killed not for meat, but to be mounted on walls. Even if they are not fit to be consumed, they are killed as trophies. As mentioned above, there are many animals that have been over-hunted and brought to near extinction, one example being the American Buffalo. Another example was the over-killing of the Cougar. Although this animal was hunted to protect cattle from being attacked, it led to this species nearly becoming extinct. If the hunters are inexperienced, this activity can become an active stage for tragedy. There have been instances of people shooting fellow hunters, mistaking them for prey. In many cases, this has proven to be fatal.  Although the rule of hunting is to not let animals suffer, at times, people do not realize that they need to put an injured animal out of its misery, which causes many animals to unfortunately suffer slow and painful deaths.

My Thinkings:
I myself do not like duck shooting, I don't like killing animals in general because they have nervous systems to which means they feel pain like us. Sometimes you only wound them and they either get eaten by your dogs if you bring them,or they could lie there and die in a lot of pain. That is why I do not like Duck Shooting.

I Found This Info At iBuzzle 
By Aparna Jadhav

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Threats To A Wetland

There are a lot of threats to wetlands one is humans, we are a threat to wetlands when we dry them for farming space.
But there are a lot more threats these include.
Sand and gravel extraction changes water levels, damages existing vegetation and provides access for weeds. Reclamation of lake and river margins, lagoons and estuaries, and draining of farm swamps, reduces wetland areas. Wetlands are polluted by excess run-off of sediment and nutrients from farmlands. Plant and animal pest invasion. Stock grazing in wetlands and surrounding catchments damages vegetation, decreases soil stability and contributes to pollution. Careless recreation practices, including misuse of jet-skiing, hunting, kayaking, power boating and whitebaiting, disturbs plant and animal life and may destroy parts of the physical wetland environment. Forest harvesting close to wetlands may damage wetland vegetation and cause erosion. Loss of vegetation in surrounding catchments allow excess sediment to run directly into wetlands. Pine forests draw water away from ground water systems leaving depleted supplies, and poorly managed farming practices cause sediment and/or fertiliser run-off. Wetlands drained for urban or rural development.

As You can see there are a lot of threats to wetlands and we need them to support wildlife that live there, the world would be a lot different if we did not have them we would lose a lot of animals and all the birds would flock to the farms and eat all of the crops and seed.

I Found This Info At Department Of Conservation.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Weekly Events

Furry alarm clocks
I thought this was very funny and is what happens to me but with cats instead of dogs they start running around our beds with their bells clanging all over the place until we wake up.If we do not feed them by around 6.50 they will try to pee on our beds so we know for next time feed them. Even if their bowls are full from the day before they will not eat it until they get new food on top.

I think that it is very funny and happens to a lot of people and I think some of them find it very funny. LIKE ME!!

I found this on Kiwi Kids news

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Our Photo

The jelly around it dried up so it did not look as cool but it still looks good.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Game Reviews

     POPULAR Game’s
By Ryan.C & Dante.O & Alex.
Image result for turmoil GAME pictures
This game is rated 4.5/★★★★Image result for half a star
I/Ryan found this in Steam
This game is about finding and collecting
You start off with $20,000
and you bid money on a plot of land
and then you can but buy upgrades to you
Oil collecting Like making your horse's
faster or can carry more Oil
Image result for turmoil game Upgrades
OR buy moles to find oil.


I/Ryan Found this game on steam

Image result for terraria
Terraria is a complex game it's got tones
It has MULTI PLAYER now in the updates
I/Dante Found this game
4.5/★★★★Image result for half a star
Image result for

It’s manly about eating people online and getting the biggest without being eaten.
When you spawn in you need to eat all the small dots to try and get big enough to get onto the scoreboard.There are only 10 spots.

We Found this game just on the Internet
Image result for tanki
This is a game which you can have ranks and you have tanks going around killing people and you can do parkour on it as well and there are lots of maps and tanks.

4/5 2015-08-12 12-05-17.png

Mine craft is a game where you can either die because you were careless or live a happy life and prosper.
There are two type, one is creative and one is survival.
Well I guess that the names explain themselves creative is a mode where you can fly and you have access to all of the blocks and armour in the game.
Survival is where you start the game with nothing at all and you have to hit a tree so you can get wood and make a crafting table to start of your journey, you also need food so you do not die.

Need for speed
Need for speed is a game which you can unlock car go in races and win money and upgrade cars to be the best cars in the game.You can complete levels and upgrade to different ranks.


Image result for ark survival evolved
This game is crazy cool you can tame dinosaurs like flying dino's T Rexs Raptors and building gathering resources.You can make tools like pick axes and hatchets and spears and you can upgrade them to metal. and armour you can get chitin and metal. You have to survive by gathering resources from plants trees and other stuff like metal bars. You can make different types of walls and different.

Weekly Events

Parking Ticket Kindness

I have been looking for the whole week for something that interests me and I have finally found something to write about.  Someone really does have a guardian angel in Canberra. A mother in Canberra had been caring for her 9 month old son and she realised there was a parking ticket on her car.  But somebody thought that she was having a rough enough time so she paid for it for her.
I think that it was very nice of the lady to pay for the ticket.

I found this on Kiwi Kids News.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Cross Country

Cross Country
This year cross country was hard because most steps you took your foot sunk into mud mud and more mud it was very annoying because I nearly
fell of the big hill we had to run up, well walk up it was very steep so most of us walked because it would have wasted all of our energy when it was easier walking up the hill.I came 11th and I was one place away from going to H.P.C even though I did not want to go to H.P.C anyway.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Floating And Sinking

I think that the orange would float because it has air bubbles in it but the skin keeps the water out of all the air bubbles, the orange without any skin would sink because the water could access all of the air bubbles inside it and drag it down to the bottom of the water you put it in.

Weekly Events

The Weirdest Flavoured Jelly Beans!

WOW that is disgusting I would hate to be testing those jelly beans, I would PUKE if I had to try a single one of those jelly beans.
I think that is just super super weird that there is jelly bean flavours like that. I would not put that near my body even if I got forced to eat it I would spit it out.
Here are the flavours!
Do you like them.

1. Black Pepper – Pepper can be a great seasoning for meals at dinner, but by itself the flavour is not so great!
2. Booger – Yes this one exists! Who wants to eat candy that tastes like something you’ve just picked out of your nose?!
3. Dirt – You have a backyard full of the stuff but you don’t find yourself outside having a dirt snack! So why would anyone want a dirt flavoured jelly bean?
4. Earthworm – You know those slimy, wriggling little worms that live in the dirt? They are a flavour of jelly bean!
5. Earwax – So gross!
6. Rotten Egg – It’s gross, it stinks and it certainly isn’t a taste you want in your mouth!
7. Soap – Have your parents every threatened to wash your mouth out with soap when you say bad words? Well that punishment is now a jelly bean flavour.
8. Vomit – This flavour is just way too weird! Who would want to eat candy that tastes like vomit?! That’s one way to make yourself sick for sure!
9. Stinky Socks – Ever felt like chewing on some old smelly socks that are lying in the laundry? If so, there is a jelly bean for that.
10. Lawn Clippings – Sure freshly cut grass smells pretty nice but the taste is a whole other story!
11. Toothpaste – We’ve always been told not to swallow toothpaste when brushing our teeth, so why would we want to eat a jelly bean which tastes like a big glob of toothpaste?
12. Canned Dog Food – There is a reason it is called dog food and it usually means we humans won’t enjoy it!
13. Baby Wipes  – Not sure we even want to know who came up with the idea for this flavour!
14. Skunk Spray – They say the only way to get rid of the stink of skunk spray is to bathe in a lot of tomato juice…your tongue is going to need a seriously long tomato juice bath after this flavour