Monday 8 August 2016


Today we got given some post-its and a pen, we were told to walk around the room and look at the tables that had items on them. Some of them were random, we wrote down questions that we thought of about the objects and put them next to it. After that we wrote down the two questions about one thing that we found most interesting, after that we went to the table where those questions that we wrote down came from.

After that we got a big piece of paper and stuck all the questions in there subjects and put them on a big piece of paper together. We stacked them so it look like one post-it for every subject. I did mine on a fighter jet and my questions were.

1. What is this jet called?
2. How many bullets can it hold at one time?
3. How many people can it carry?
4. How much weight can it take-off with?
5. How much does it cost to make?
6. How many were made?
7. How fast can it fly?
8. How long did it take to make?
9. How much runway does it need to take off?
10.How much does it need to land?

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